
Pranpaveen Laykaviriyakul (Lay)

I'm Lay Machine Learnging Engineer & Researcher at GRAFFITY TECHNOLOGIES and also part-time with DEEPCAPITAL as a AI and Devops Engineer.
Interesting in Machine Learning, AI, MLOps, Computer Vision, Cloud, Backend and Deployment.


Machine Learning Engineer & Researcher

Mar 2023 - Present

Graffity Technologies Co.,Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand

  • Designed and Build scalable ML service infrastructure on AWS.
    • Implemented Kubeflow for experimental and pipeline execution on on-premises servers.
      • Managed Kubernetes clusters using EKS on AWS and microk8s on-premises environments.
        • Configured CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, GitHub Actions, and ArgoCD for seamless deployment.
          • Designed and developed ML and non-ML services, along with automation tools, using Python and Golang.
            • Optimize ML model efficiency, codebase, and node(GPU, Aws Inf) performance to achieve optimal results.
              • Research and implemented solutions in computer vision, feature matching, visual localization, and SFM reconstruction.
                • AI/DevOps Engineer

                  Apr 2023 - Present

                  Deepcapital Co.,Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand

                • DevOps Engineer (Jan 2024 - Presesnt)
                  • Designed and developed pipelines for a complex AI system (AI visual avatar project).
                  • Setup and POC infrastructure on Huawei Cloud, utilizing tools such as ECS, CCE, SFS, RDS, OBS and SWR.
                  • Implemented pipeline workflows on Kubeflow and managed system deployment on Kubernetes (Huawei CCE).
                  • Reviewed code from AI engineer tests and managed versioning for releases.
                  • Produced issue reports and tracked their resolution.
                  • Implemented automation tools, including CI/CD processes
                • AI Engineer (Apr 2023 - Present)
                  • Desgined and developed ML related application.
                  • Implement backend systems using Python (FastAPI) and Golang (Fiber, Gorm), with integration of PostgreSQL, Redis, Auth0, S3 and AWS Lambda.
                  • Established infrastructure on AWS, including deployment on EKS (AWS Kubernetes).
                  • Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Github Actions and ArgoCD.

                  Data Scientist

                  Sep 2022 - Mar 2023

                  Big C Supercenter Public Company Limited, Bangkok, Thailand

                • Data Scientist in Digital Platform, HPC & Big Data Team
                  • Research and develop ML models to improve product search system.
                    • Research in clustering for customer data platform.
                      • Build API for ML service and dockerized service for deployment.
                        • Optimize and performance test to increase model efficiency.
                          • Backend Developer

                            Aug 2022 - Feb 2023


                          • Backend developer for online assessment platform.
                            • Develop API using Django and FastAPI.
                              • Krakend API gateway with endpoint authentication.
                                • Work with postgresql, redis and keycloak.
                                  • Deploy service on AWS (EC2, EKS, RDS etc.).
                                    • Research Assistant

                                      Nov 2019 - Dec 2022

                                      Kasetsart University

                                    • Power system reliability analysis with Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA).
                                      • Analysis of Thailand's military annual health data that cause hypertension and hypertensive diseases with Phramongkutklao College of Medicine.
                                        • Analysis of air quality and meteorological data that influence rainfall in Smart Big Data Analytics for City Life Quality Improvement project with Hydro-Informatics Institute (Public Organization) Bangkok, Thailand.
                                          • Develop class timetable management system for Department of Electrical Engineering.
                                            • Intelligence Transportation Engineer

                                              Mar 2021 - May 2021

                                              Elixir Software Co.,Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand

                                            • Short-term work as part of Super AI Engineer program by AIAT(Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand).
                                              • Smart road project collaboration with Thai Department of Rural Roads.
                                                • Develop a workflow to process data from CCTV devices.
                                                  • Research, Develop and Deploy machine learning service with video data.
                                                    • Detect, track, finding lanes, and estimate car speed from CCTV video.
                                                      • Use thingsboard IOT platform to visualize and manage devices.
                                                        • Education

                                                          Master of Engineering & Electrical Engineering

                                                          July 2019 - May 2022

                                                          Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

                                                        • Reserched in Deep learning Adversarial example.
                                                          • Bachelorof Engineering & Electrical Engineering

                                                            Aug 2015 - May 2019

                                                            Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

                                                          • Major in Telecomunication Engineering